Partial fractions in integration

Topics in Calculus
Fundamental theorem
Limits of functions
Mean value theorem

In integral calculus, partial fraction expansions provide an approach to integrating a general rational function. Any rational function of a real variable can be written as the sum of a polynomial function and a finite number of algebraic fractions. Each fraction in the expansion has as its denominator a polynomial function of degree 1 or 2, or some positive integer power of such a polynomial. (In the case of rational function of a complex variable, all denominators will have a polynomial of degree 1, or some positive integer power of such a polynomial.) If the denominator is a 1st-degree polynomial or a power of such a polynomial, then the numerator is a constant. If the denominator is a 2nd-degree polynomial or a power of such a polynomial, then the numerator is a 1st-degree polynomial.

Isaac Barrow's proof of the integral of the secant function was the earliest use of partial fractions in integration.[1] In 1599, Edward Wright gave a solution by numerical methods – what today we would call Riemann sums.


A 1st-degree polynomial in the denominator

The substitution u = ax + b, du = a dx reduces the integral

\int {1 \over ax%2Bb}\,dx


\int {1 \over u}\,{du \over a}={1 \over a}\int{du\over u}={1 \over a}\ln\left|u\right|%2BC = {1 \over a} \ln\left|ax%2Bb\right|%2BC.

A repeated 1st-degree polynomial in the denominator

The same substitution reduces such integrals as

\int {1 \over (ax%2Bb)^8}\,dx


\int {1 \over u^8}\,{du \over a}={1 \over a}\int u^{-8}\,du = {1 \over a} \cdot{u^{-7} \over(-7)}%2BC = {-1 \over 7au^7}%2BC = {-1 \over 7a(ax%2Bb)^7}%2BC.

An irreducible 2nd-degree polynomial in the denominator

Next we consider such integrals as

\int {x%2B6 \over x^2-8x%2B25}\,dx.

The quickest way to see that the denominator x2 − 8x + 25 is irreducible is to observe that its discriminant is negative. Alternatively, we can complete the square:


and observe that this sum of two squares can never be 0 while x is a real number.

In order to make use of the substitution

u & = x^2-8x%2B25 \\
du & =(2x-8)\,dx \\
du/2 & = (x-4)\,dx

we would need to find x − 4 in the numerator. So we decompose the numerator x + 6 as (x − 4) + 10, and we write the integral as

\int {x-4 \over x^2-8x%2B25}\,dx %2B \int {10 \over x^2-8x%2B25}\,dx.

The substitution handles the first summand, thus:

\int {x-4 \over x^2-8x%2B25}\,dx = \int {du/2 \over u}
= {1 \over 2}\ln\left|u\right|%2BC
= {1 \over 2}\ln(x^2-8x%2B25)%2BC.

Note that the reason we can discard the absolute value sign is that, as we observed earlier, (x − 4)2 + 9 can never be negative.

Next we must treat the integral

\int {10 \over x^2-8x%2B25} \, dx.

First, complete the square, then do a bit more algebra:

& {} \quad \int {10 \over x^2-8x%2B25} \, dx
= \int {10 \over (x-4)^2%2B9} \, dx \\[9pt]
& = \int {10/9 \over \left({x-4 \over 3}\right)^2%2B1}\,dx
= {10 \over 3} \int {1 \over \left({x-4 \over 3}\right)^2%2B1}\, \left({dx \over 3}\right)

Now the substitution


gives us

{10 \over 3}\int {dw \over w^2%2B1}
= {10 \over 3} \arctan(w)%2BC={10 \over 3} \arctan\left({x-4 \over 3}\right)%2BC.

Putting it all together,

\int {x %2B 6 \over x^2-8x%2B25}\,dx
= {1 \over 2}\ln(x^2-8x%2B25) %2B {10 \over 3} \arctan\left({x-4 \over 3}\right) %2B C.

Using complex expanding

In some cases, having certain skill, it's more convenient to use the complex decomposition of the polynomial. So, in the example above:

\int {x%2B6 \over x^2-8x%2B25}\,dx

Expanding the denominator in the two complex multiplier:

x^2-8x%2B25 = (x - 4 %2B 3i)(x - 4 - 3i)

Then looking for the expansion of the integrand into two terms

\frac{x%2B6}{x^2-8x%2B25} = \frac{A}{x - 4 %2B 3i} %2B \frac{B}{x - 4 - 3i}

Solving the system of linear equations, we obtain:

A = \tfrac{1}{2} %2B \tfrac{5}{3}i, B = \tfrac{1}{2} - \tfrac{5}{3}i
\int \frac{x %2B 6}{x^2-8x%2B25}\,dx = ( \tfrac{1}{2} %2B \tfrac{5}{3}i) \int \frac{1}{x - 4 %2B 3i}\,dx %2B ( \tfrac{1}{2} - \tfrac{5}{3}i ) \int \frac{1}{x - 4 - 3i}\,dx

After the obvious integration we have:

\left(\tfrac{1}{2} %2B \tfrac{5}{3}i \right) \ln(x - 4 %2B 3i) %2B \left( \tfrac{1}{2} - \tfrac{5}{3}i \right) \ln (x - 4 - 3i) %2B C

Grouping the separate real and imaginary terms:

\tfrac{1}{2} \left( \ln(x - 4 %2B 3i) %2B \ln(x - 4 - 3i) \right) %2B \tfrac{5}{3}i \left( \ln(x - 4 %2B 3i) - \ln(x - 4 - 3i) \right) %2B C
\tfrac{1}{2} \ln \left( (x - 4 %2B 3i)(x - 4 - 3i) \right) %2B \tfrac{5}{3}i \ln \frac{x - 4 %2B 3i}{x - 4 - 3i} %2B C
\tfrac{1}{2} \ln (x^2-8x%2B25) %2B \tfrac{5}{3}i \ln \frac{1 - i \frac{x - 4}{3}}{1 %2B i \frac{x - 4}{3}} %2B C

As it's known, the arctangent of a complex variable can be expressed by the logarithm:

 \arctan \, z = \tfrac{1}{2}i \ln \frac{1-i\,z}{1%2Bi\,z}

This allows us to express the second term in the arctangent:

\tfrac{1}{2} \ln (x^2-8x%2B25) %2B \tfrac{10}{3}  \arctan \frac{x - 4}{3} %2B C

A repeated irreducible 2nd-degree polynomial in the denominator

Next, consider

\int {x%2B6 \over (x^2-8x%2B25)^{8}}\,dx.

Just as above, we can split x + 6 into (x − 4) + 10, and treat the part containing x − 4 via the substitution

u & = x^2-8x%2B25, \\
du & = (2x-8)\,dx, \\
du/2 & = (x-4)\,dx.

This leaves us with

\int {10 \over (x^2-8x%2B25)^{8}}\,dx.

As before, we first complete the square and then do a bit of algebraic massaging, to get

\int {10 \over (x^2-8x%2B25)^{8}}\,dx
=\int {10 \over ((x-4)^2%2B9)^{8}}\,dx
=\int {10/9^{8} \over \left(\left({x-4 \over 3}\right)^2%2B1\right)^8}\,dx.

Then we can use a trigonometric substitution:

\tan\theta={x-4 \over 3},\,
\left({x-4 \over 3}\right)^2%2B1=\tan^2\theta%2B1=\sec^2\theta,\,
 d\tan\theta =\sec^2\theta\,d\theta={dx \over 3}.\,

Then the integral becomes

\int {30/9^{8} \over \sec^{16}\theta} \sec^2\theta \,d\theta
={30 \over 9^{8}}\int \cos^{14} \theta \, d\theta.

By repeated applications of the half-angle formula

\cos^2\theta={1 \over 2}( 1 %2B \cos(2\theta)),

one can reduce this to an integral involving no higher powers of cos θ higher than the 1st power.

Then one faces the problem of expression sin(θ) and cos(θ) as functions of x. Recall that

\tan(\theta)={x - 4 \over 3},

and that tangent = opposite/adjacent. If the "opposite" side has length x − 4 and the "adjacent" side has length 3, then the Pythagorean theorem tells us that the hypotenuse has length √((x − 4)2 + 32) = √(x2 −8x + 25).

Therefore we have

\sin(\theta) = {\text{opposite} \over \text{hypotenuse}} = {x-4 \over \sqrt{x^2 - 8x %2B 25}},
\cos(\theta) =  {\text{adjacent} \over \text{hypotenuse}} = {3 \over \sqrt{x^2 - 8x %2B 25}},


\sin(2\theta) = 2\sin(\theta)\cos(\theta) = {6(x-4) \over x^2 - 8x %2B 25}.

Notes and references

  1. ^ V. Frederick Rickey and Philip M. Tuchinsky, "An Application of Geography to Mathematics: History of the Integral of the Secant", Mathematics Magazine, volume 53, number 3, May 1980, pages 162–166

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